
Friday, 15 September 2017

Endangered Species

Made with Padlet

Social Justice

LEARN: Create a DLO of what your understanding is about Social Justice.

Who is my Neighbor

LEARN: Create a DLO to show what Jesus is teaching us about who our neighbour is.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Animals Shouldn't Be Kept in Zoos

Types of Sacraments

We are learning to share our Prior Knowledge with different people in our groups.
Baptism - How is getting baptized now and then different?
Confirmation - Why do we get confirmation?
Holy Orders - What are the Holy Orders?
Reconciliation - What does it mean?
Anointing of the sick - What does it mean?
Marriage - Why do you get Married? 

Eucharist - Why do we get it?

Friday, 1 September 2017

Compare and Contrast The boy in striped pajamas

LEARN: We learn to compare and contrast me and Bruno from The Boy in striped pajamas